At the conclusion of the Games a lot of tidying up was required to Make Good and hand back various Venues to their respective owners.
For instance the Village was leased from the Developer by Goldoc (the Principal Contractor), the Hockey, Gymnastics and Aquatic Venues needed some work prior to handing back to the Gold Coast Council and so on.
We spent the best part of three weeks cleaning literally acres of concrete soiled by tyre marks (from heavy duty lifting equipment such as cranes, booms, scissor and fork lifts) rust marks (from Scaffolding), timber stains (also from chocking Scaffolding) Paint marks (on Concrete & Bitumen), Car Parks as well as Change Rooms, Toilets and Glass.
The following photos give a fair indication of our involvement: –
Many thanks to our Gold Medal Team for their often exhausting efforts to finish in a timely manner with such pleasing results.