During May this year, the Redcliffe Cultural Centre underwent a building clean – restoration, which involved being clear sealed and generally made waterproof with newly cut and sealed expansion joints.
See the “before” photograph showing, particularly the eastern Tower wall, which looks cleaner than the rest of the building.
The reason for this is that we painted it way back in 2002 (during a refurbishment involving a name change from the then “Entertainment Centre”) but only because it had already been previously painted. We applied a clear sealer to the other upper walls.
The “after” picture shows, inter alia, the same wall; but whilst the plain masonry walls have been re-sealed with a clear sealer, Council decided it wasn’t necessary to repaint the Eastern Tower wall on this occasion.
Not a bad endorsement for the product and applicator.
If you’re thinking building clean – restoration, why not give us a call on (07) 3300 6100