This Trendy St Lucia Shopping Centre recently underwent a Waterworks roof-building-shopping-centre makeover, made the more difficult due to restricted working hours (Council requirement) and an abundance of pedestrian traffic. Still the pictures below tell the story and it has certainly made a huge difference …
Detailed SWMS & Risk Assessments go to print before commencement on projects like this and all our equipment is regularly inspected and tagged to comply with the relevant Australian Standards.
We’re proud of our incident free Safety Record over the past 29 years and our avowed aim is to maintain the status quo.
Finally, the bin area and undercover car park were cleaned up using hot water blasting in conjunction with chemicals.
The new owners of this popular Red Hill Cafe called in shop fitters to refurbish the inside and were in two minds as to whether to replace or restore the umbrella/sails which were looking a tad shabby.
When they discovered the cost of replacement they sought the cheaper option and were delighted with the result. The task was performed from ladders and the bough of a tree, to keep the costs to a bare minimum.
The Christmas break, with just a skeleton staff working and most Members on annual leave, proved an opportune time for the Queensland Master Builders Association to get their impressive building clean – commercial in Wickham Terrace Spring Hill.
The owner of this adjoining townhouse was so impressed with the building clean – commercial, he asked us to also clean both his house and roof. He was delighted with the result …whereas we’d have been happier to have cleaned the camera lens before taking the snaps.
It’s always a challenge building clean – multi-story in the City, especially in the Mall where strict working hours must be observed to ensure the safety of the public, and more particularly, just prior to Christmas.
The Pavilion Building stretches some 30 metres into the Queen Street Mall, opposite Beck House aka Hungry Jacks (which we also cleaned and partly painted a couple of years ago) then down Albert Street and another 30 metres around the corner into Burnett Lane.
With a little bit of co-ordination we managed to commence at the building rear in Burnett Lane, closing off half the Lane to traffic, as well as clean the alfresco dining area of Jo Jo’s, before moving into the Mall at midnight, to continue into the wee hours.
The Adult Entertainment Industry is fairly well represented in that part of town and our team was likewise kept entertained by the comings and goings of revelers topped up on some early Christmas Cheer…luckily we finished off in the early part of the week, as I think what we witnessed was just the curtain raiser.
Below are some photos showing the building clean – multi-story before, during (nothing to help you here Santa …with your black marker pen), and after.
Over the years we’ve carried out building clean – churches, sealed and painted houses of worship and restored roofs including but not limited to, a Taoist Temple , Anglican Church, Uniting Church, Greek Orthodox Church, Russian Orthodox Cathedral and a Catholic Church, which is currently undergoing extensive refurbishment, including re-roofing and repainting in the new year.

Building Cleaning Brisbane Church

Church before restoration
This factory in the eastern suburbs was originally manufacturing cement and much of the product drifted upwards and out on to the roof ridge where it combined with the elements to form a thick layer of concrete.
The new owners contacted us seeking a roof clean – industrial to clear up the mess.
If you look at the photos, it gives some idea of the extent of the problem, exacerbated by the fact that the deposits were a good ten metres above ground level.
High pressure cleaning using one of our high volume blasters in conjunction with a heavy duty turbo-head provided the solution but we were asked to return on a rostered day off, with tests proving far too noisy for the Company’s workers inside the complex. Makes you wonder about the lung condition of the original staff, doesn’t it!
During May this year, the Redcliffe Cultural Centre underwent a building clean – restoration, which involved being clear sealed and generally made waterproof with newly cut and sealed expansion joints.
See the “before” photograph showing, particularly the eastern Tower wall, which looks cleaner than the rest of the building.
The reason for this is that we painted it way back in 2002 (during a refurbishment involving a name change from the then “Entertainment Centre”) but only because it had already been previously painted. We applied a clear sealer to the other upper walls.
The “after” picture shows, inter alia, the same wall; but whilst the plain masonry walls have been re-sealed with a clear sealer, Council decided it wasn’t necessary to repaint the Eastern Tower wall on this occasion.
Not a bad endorsement for the product and applicator.
If you’re thinking building clean – restoration, why not give us a call on (07) 3300 6100
We’ve been regularly called in to building clean – bird droppings at this inner suburban business car park over the past couple of years.
The Body Corporate’s attempts to address the problem which involved installing spikes on all conceivable landing spots, including the overhead pipes has failed to deter them from entering the car park.
In a last ditch bid they’ve had sensor alarms fitted which emit high decibel bird screeches reminiscent of the Alfred Hitchcock movie “The Birds” to deal with these intruders.
However, as can be seen from the first photo below, our feathered friends are not phased, and continued trespassing, even while we worked.
I find new technology fascinating and couldn’t resist capturing the remote controlled cameras during a visit to watch the Lions play the Tigers at the MCG a couple of years ago.
The seagull problem at this venue has been tackled on a number of fronts including installation of wires and introduction of a “bully” Peregrine Falcon but the birds have prevailed.
Generally bird spikes are adequate deterrent as they prevent, particularly pigeons, from nesting in unwanted places.

New vehicle storage is not an option here regrettably
This photo was taken at a new vehicle storage warehouse in February 2019
The concrete cleaned up OK but the vehicles had to remain in the open to preserve the paintwork since netting installation proved far too expensive.
We are happy to assess your bird problems and provide a solution but the jury’s still out on electronic alarms for us at least.
Getting the perfect paint finish to clients’ vehicles is top priority and one of the keys to successful operation of this inner suburban body repair workshop.
That’s why they get the walls, floor and exhaust flue of their spray booth regularly cleaned as part of a scheduled maintenance program.
We’ve been helping out for many years, initially for dad, Noel who has now handed the baton to his sons Chris and Anthony.
Once again the pictures tell the story…
Constant use of the booth results in a stubborn build-up of product which needs to be blasted off to ensure a mirror finish on all repaired vehicles.
Photos show before and after the booth has been cleaned and ready for use.
If your commercial premises require similar routine maintenance, please call us on (07) 3300 6100 and speak to one of our friendly staff members.
This large, modern terracotta tiled roof was cause for concern for the owner on several counts.
Recent attempts by others to clean it resulted in numerous broken tiles and with the surface far too slippery when wet to safely complete, the exercise had to be aborted.
Over the past five years we had used access equipment to clean the owner’s various commercial properties and he asked us if similar equipment could be used to clean his roof
- without churning up his manicured lawns, given the persistent recent heavy rainfall
- safely without actually stepping on to the roof and breaking the fragile tiles
- taking care not to damage the surface
We suggested a relatively light weight (less than 4 tonne) all terrain vehicle with outriggers and wide turf tyres with adequate horizontal and vertical reach. We also suggested using high volume equipment with sufficient (but without excessive) pressure, in conjunction with low dosage hypochlorite to facilitate cleaning without damaging the surface.
This methodology produced the desired result, as depicted in the photos below.
If you are looking for a quality finish from a Quality Assured Company with over 27 years in the Industry, give us a call on (07) 3300 6100