If you have signed up for Solar Panels for your home or business, plan ahead with some basic roof maintenance first.
When you think about it, it’s pretty basic stuff ….if these people had left their roof restoration till after the event, they’d be faced with the prospect of temporarily removing their panels (at considerable cost) or simply having the roofer work around them (less than satisfactory) to effectively repoint the ridge capping – the panels overlap the ridges – not to mention the problems trying to paint.
As AFL Legend and Aussie “Lambassador” Sam Kekovich would say…”You know that makes sense!”
This roof was done by our tradesmen just prior to the solar panels’ installation.
The owner is also keeping cool through the summer months and delighted with the choice of quality insulation paint which, though a Terra Cotta colour, manages to effectively keep the temperature well below what would otherwise be the case. Yes folks you don’t have to stick to White and Pastels. High quality Insulation Paint now comes in a variety of colours …such as Bluestone and Charcoal and they do an excellent job.
Ring (07) 3300 6100 for an obligation-free* quote.
* We do high pressure water blasting; not high pressure sales.
It makes real “cents” to clean your factory/warehouse dirty skylights in this age of escalating power costs.
The photos below show stark contrasts between the before and after (sample) condition of the dirty skylights and their effects, both above and below (where it counts most). You don’t need much imagination to gauge how much more light comes streaming in on a sunny day…but even on overcast days you can probably settle for half lights and still be compliant with safety requirements.
Ring (07) 3300 6100 now to put yourself in the picture.
Rooftop view of alsynite dirty skylight cleaned up.

Sample clean topside view of skylight
The photos below show the same warehouse following the owners decision to press ahead with the project. Two of our Safe Work at Heights operators undertook the task just prior to Christmas 2012 with a ground crew keeping a close eye on the vacuum/recycling equipment ensuring waste was adequately treated on-site.

The underside prior to cleaning

light up

Richlands warehouse roof
Skylights & solar panels

No need for lights here
You should have the general idea re the substantial improvement in visibility.

High above the city mall in the wee hours
It was with much fanfare that these artworks were unveiled earlier in the year on the Wintergarden’s walls in the Brisbane City Mall, Edward Street and more recently, Elizabeth Street (opposite the Irish Club).
With strobe backing lights, after dark they really bring the City’s central hub to life and are treasured assets adding spark to Brisbane’s nightlife.
We have been charged with the responsibility of their regular maintenance and this is currently being carried out on at three-monthly intervals, but, you won’t see us (in the Mall at least), unless you’re having a particularly late night.
Large articulated booms are skillfully manoeuvred into position by our experienced operators to wash, without damaging, the delicate surfaces at close range.
This photo gives some indication of what’s involved in the City Mall and the one on the next page shows us accessing the artwork in Elizabeth St.
Waterworks are occasionally offered projects which are a little different from our normal roof cleaning, external building restoration and surface rejuvenating. Such projects are a challenge we love to accept and to achieve an excellent result is always our aim.
Cleaning external building artwork comes with the challenges of access usually involving height, and time constraints dictated by city bylaws and traffic. We are always equal to the task.
This sculpture stretches from the rear facade of the recently demolished Regent Theatre along the Wintergarden car park taking in parts of the Hilton up to the Embassy Hotel in downtown Brisbane.
During this current patch of wet weather, it might pay dividends to check the safety of your driveway.
If you have a steep drive you should give some thought to getting it pressure cleaned.
Look at these pictures of slippery drives and you be the judge. I wouldn’t want my family or friends visiting (in two wheel drive vehicles) taking risks in the present spate of bad weather.