The Parish Committee of this north side Greek Orthodox Church had concerns that the iconography (pictured) under the Church domes was deteriorating due to the intense heat, particularly in the main dome. They investigated the possibility of more air circulation by redesigning the glass panels which were fully enclosed.

Iconography inside main dome …note the windows

Church before restoration
Redesigning the twenty four glass panels to provide airflow was never going to be the cheapest option, especially given the building design would require scaffolding on the tiled roof.
The pressed metal roof has absolutely no insulation. The Committee was keen to have the domes painted in a lighter colour before the approaching summer took a further toll on the quality of the artwork.
We suggested they seriously consider a quality Insulation paint and supplied them with the relevant technical data for NXT Coolzone. This remarkable heat reflecting roof coating utilizing revolutionary Thermal Protection Technology, was developed by Nutech to keep buildings cooler in hot weather.
(Tests indicate roofs coated in NXT are up to 30 degrees C cooler, which translates to an inside drop in temperature of 10 degrees C. Nutech guarantee for this product extends to twelve years.)
We opted to use a large articulated boom in lieu of roof scaffolding. These large booms require skilled operators to ensure no contact is made with the building, as this could prove disastrous. With an outreach in excess of twenty metres at almost twenty metres up it’s critical to effectively manage the movement when slewing sideways to avoid accidental contact with the roof, and particularly the metal domes.

Large booms used for access to domes
Our personnel have had years of experience operating this equipment and we are pleased to report no adverse outcomes. They are also accredited for Safe Work at Heights and use safety equipment which is regularly inspected to comply with the relevant Australian Standards. Our Public Liability Insurance, in the amount of $20,000,000 covers this type of work without height limitation.

Templates on windows prevent overspray
We cut out cardboard templates for the windows to prevent overspray, applied a metal primer and two liberal coats of NXT Coolzone.

The terracotta tiled roof was cleaned & repointed
The terracotta tiled roof was cleaned and re-pointed plus new valley seal installed to address leaks inside the Church.

Lichen growth and in need of a re-point

Colour change in progress
Where once there was White this has been changed to Terracotta and vice versa.
The benefits of NXT Coolzone extend to the darker colour too. Gone are the days when you had to stick with light colours to derive the benefits.
The Committee is extremely pleased with the results and the rate of deterioration of the artwork has slowed dramatically.

Finished product…looking good

Colours accentuated by looming storm
Looking to have something similar done to your local Church or perhaps a Commercial Building?
Call us on 3300 6100 or 0418 733 068