This four level building cleaning task at 366 Queen Street, Brisbane commenced with internal restoration and is now available for leasing following an external makeover by Waterworks Professional Exteriors (WPE).
It’s an impressive combination of marble panels and glass, complete with a glass paneled awning over the footpath and grand entrance. The building cleaning commenced from the rooftop, and progressed down to the awning and ground level, respectively.
The first photo from the ground doesn’t quite capture the poor condition of the awning which was tainted by a green mould, however the after shot gives an idea of not only the awning’s improvement, but also the external glass above it, achieved using pure water in conjunction with water-fed extension poles fitted with soft brushes.
In an endeavour to minimize costs to the owners, WPE by-passed alternative access methods for building cleaning such as boom access, which would have involved expensive road closures, whilst achieving the desired result.
The other photos indicate the various methods (including safe work practices) used to successfully complete the building cleaning.
If you want your building cleaning to stand out from the rest, give the experts a call WPE on 3300 6100 for a free appraisal.