Iron Roof Restoration will enhance your property value. If your iron roof is not damaged but has superficial rust markings, it does not mean you need to re-roof. In fact, even if the the rust looks quite pronounced,, restoration is still a distinct possibility. At Waterworks, we can transform your old roof into almost new again and protect it for many more years to come, improving your property value and making it presentable for placing on the market.
The photos below tell the story. Basically this Ascot house needed sprucing up to put it on the market, so we suggested pressure cleaning, some minor repairs, application of a rust convertor and a couple of coats of Aluminium enamel. It’s not rocket science and the owners are delighted with the finished product.

looking worse for wear

You can be excused for thinking it’s a different roof
So much for aluminium enamels, you can also get your iron roof restored using acrylic coatings. The pictures below tell the story, whereby solar panels were removed to ensure nothing was missed, the rust converted, the roof high pressure cleaned , an etch primer applied followed by two coats of quality roof paint.

Solar panel removal to facilitate rust treatment prior to painting

Rust converted & etch primed where critical

Two airless applications of a quality roof coating complete the process
The good part about the acrylic coatings is you can opt for a quality insulation paint to reap further savings on your electricity bill.
Give us a call on 3300 6100 for an obligation free quote.